Sunday 16 August 2015



When the Roman soldiers were beating Jesus Christ with their whips, they thought they were having fun. When these soldiers were casting lot on Christ’s clothes, they thought they were sharing spoils. When Jesus was writhing in pain on the cross of Calvary the Devil thought he was winning God.
What the Devil and all his human puns did not know was that they were fulfilling the scriptures, {for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory-1 Corinthians2:8}
The roman soldiers had to beat Jesus Christ to a pulp so that Christ could pay the price for the healing of every human being, from ANY type of sickness or disease. The Bible says in Isaiah 53:5 …by His stripes we are healed {1peter 2:24} meaning that Christ’s wounds opened an un-closable door for our healing. If you were born after Jesus Christ died, healing is your birthright in Christ.
Sickness and disease are bye products of sin and healing is one of the bye products of salvation, the Bible says if anyone be sick {James 5:14-15} I am 100% sure that God can heal any disease, be it cancer, HIV or madness, I mean ANY DISEASE. God spoke in the book of Jeremiah 32:27 saying: I am the God of all flesh, is there anything too difficult for me? If Ford or Toyota can repair any of their faulty cars, God can heal anyone with any disease; after all we are the work of His hands.
Healing is free, it does not cost you any money; but accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and savior gives you the legality to receive your healing. In the book of Matthew 15:26 Jesus made it known that healing is for God’s children. If you want to be eligible for healing, please give your life to Christ by saying these words: Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sins, please forgive me. I accept you as my lord and savior, come into my life today, in Jesus name, amen.
After giving your life to Christ, you need to proclaim the word of God on your sickness {and they overcame him {the devil} by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. There is great power in your mouth especially when you are proclaiming the divine word of God into your life. ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat it the fruit thereof’—Prov 18:21. Use the word of God to resist the devil in your life. ‘For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged  sword…’—Hebrews 4:12. God will hasten His word to perform great miracles in your life, when you proclaim His word into your life. {Jere 1:12}. Prophesy God’s word unto the dry bones of your life, the same way prophet Ezekiel prophesied unto the dry bones of the house of Israel.
Samples of powerful prayer point to use
Place your hand on your body or your sick loved ones and say: I………………………, is a child of God, Jesus Christ died for my sins in order to redeem me from the curses of sin. Jesus Christ was beaten for my transgressions; Jesus Christ paid the price for my healing, I receive complete healing in my body in Jesus name {amen}.
I plead the blood of Jesus Christ on my body; I redeem every part of my body with the blood of Jesus. My body is the temple of the lord Jesus Christ; I permit no demon or sickness to inhabit my body in Jesus name. I put a permanent end to every demonic ministrations in my life, I posses and enjoy divine healing in Jesus ‘name {amen}. NOTE: REPEAT THIS PRAYER POINTS CONTINUOSLY.
If you or anyone you know needs healing, please call or contact the following numbers for prayers: REDEEMER’S LOVE MINISTRIES,
0703 244 1330, 0808 282 9454

You can add our number to your WhatsApp contact for audio prayers.

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