Thursday 9 April 2015



     Many times in life, we find ourselves disappointed by the people we love and trust; many friends and families have turned their backs on us when we need them most.  
     Betrayal is a common attribute among humans.  I don’t know how many times you've been hurt or betrayed by the people you trust, I don’t know how deep your wounds are, but I know a healer who can heal all your wounds and make you whole again.
     No matter how troubled your life is right now, no matter how lonely you are, I know a friend who will help you overcome your fears and all the forces working against your peace.
     The Bible calls Him ‘a present help in time of need’. He is the friend that sticks closer than a brother or sister. He is your pal and your touch bearer. In simple words: He loves you, and will never shun, ignore or forsake you. His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart, He wants to come in, and help you become the best you can be. 
     He loves you, but He won’t force himself on you, you will have to invite Him into your life by saying these words: Lord Jesus please forgive me, I admit my sins, come into my life and be my Lord and savior in Jesus’  name I pray, amen.

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